A group of Irish Setter enthusiasts set up the Irish Setter Club of Wales in the mid 1970s, with the aim
To promote and encourage the welfare and breeding, according to the Breed Standard, of the Irish (Red) Setter and to hold and support other activities to help achieve this objective.
A President, Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary are appointed annually and form part of a Committee of sixteen with any number of members.
Annually, the Club holds one Championship Show, a Northern Open Show and a Southern Open Show. Rosettes are offered for 1-3 winners of every class, with ribbons for Reserve and V.H.C. as well as the obligatory place cards. Special rosettes are offered for Best In Show, Reserve Best In Show, Best Puppy In Show and Best Veteran In Show, Best Dog, Reserve Best Dog, Best Puppy Dog and Best Veteran Dog, Best Bitch, Reserve Best Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch and Best Veteran Bitch. Some trophies and sponsored gifts of food are also offered.
Since its inception, the Club has organised talks, seminars, fun days and sponsored events.
In line with the minimum requirements of the Kennel Club, the Irish Setter Club of Wales holds a Breed Appreciation Day at least every two years.

In April 2019, we celebrated our fortieth Championship Show at Malvern, where we invited exhibitors to join us in celebrating the event with a variety of ‘ bubbles’ and a commemorative cake depicting our role as breeders, exhibitors and owners of this beautiful breed.

We are always open to new ideas and welcome suggestions to remain active in assisting the promotion of this breed. We always try to give a good Welsh welcome, so why not come and join us. A membership form can be found on this website or you can follow us on our Facebook page and speak to our Committee at any time.